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When Destiny is Calling Your Name

When destiny is calling your name, it could cost you your purpose if you do not respond. Purpose can sometimes pull you away from all that you are familiar with as it was in the case of both Abraham and Moses. Both of these men had to leave their familiar surroundings so that they could be made and developed into the leaders that God had called them to be. Sometimes your call will seem crazy to those that don’t know God. Stop placing such high esteem on the opinions of what other people have to say about you and walk in the things that God has told you to do. In God, you will accomplish more following Him then you ever will falling into line with the state of mind that people have assigned to you. Don’t look at your job, where you are in life right now, or the negative words that people have spoken over your life. Make up in your mind that you will look at the big master piece painting of GOD instead of the small perishing polaroid of man!


You fall when you lose focus. Stay focused on God instead of the people behind you or the turbulence that is going on around you

(Matthew 14:22-32).


The dry land and wilderness like seasons of your life are meant to cultivate you and cause anything that is not like God or pleasing to His eye sight to fall off of your life. You have to leave what is ordinary to you in order to walk in the extraordinary plan that God has for your life. Moses had to leave his comfort zone and any voices of “reason” that would distract him from learning who he was in God. Moses was raised around many gods as a young boy, but the real true and living God is the one that actually showed up and introduced Himself. There is nothing quite like having a personal introduction to the Lord Almighty. When you come into His presence, every worry and idol worship has to fall to the wayside. When Moses meant God, his childhood did not matter, who people thought he was, and what they said about him did not matter. The only thing that was able to stand was the purpose that God had called him to. Moses had a mandate to fulfill despite his upbringing and the way that he had left Egypt. God will make a fool out of those who tried to make a fool out of you. You can’t allow the fear of failure to delay you from your purpose and you can’t allow the intimating words of man to deny what God Himself has already called you to.
Abraham had to leave what he was familiar with in the natural in order to walk in the fullness of what God had for him supernaturally. Stop comparing the relationship that you have with God to the relationship that He has with others that are around you. Abraham could not afford to limit himself in God. He needed God to show him the way that he had to go in order to get to what God for him. There are somethings and some people that have to fall off in order for you to gain the fullness of God. Lot had to go. The old mindset of what is normal had to go. How many people can say that they reasoned with God? How many people can say that they have heard His voice? How many people have your promise?
 There is only one you, but you must answer the call. You must not be afraid of following the word of the Lord and you must not be disobedient. Learn to follow the simple instructions of the Lord as He prepares you to receive bigger ones. In the lives of both Abraham and Moses, they had to move in order to get closer to God and to their destinies. They had to listen, they had to have a personal relationship with God, and they had to trust Him. You must know how to and understand the importance of following the instructions that the Lord has given you. Don’t take hearing His voice lightly and don’t take the fact that He loves you for granted. More instructions will come when you are obedient.
Lord, I pray to stop trying to make worldly sense out of orders that come from heaven. I pray to follow your word immediately without doubt or fear in my heart. Lord, I place my future in your hands and I pray that the only residue that is seen on my life is your finger prints. Lord, I pray that everything about me gives you glory and I pray your perfect will over my life. Help me to trust you in the midst of my process although I don’t understand every intersection that is essential to my growth.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Recommended Reading: “"If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities" (Luke 6:10 NLT).
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27 NLT).
“And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers” (John 10:5 KJV).
 “Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee “(Proverbs 4:5-9).


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