Mom is one of the greatest gifts that God could have given
to us. She’s passionate about us and she fiercely wraps us up in loving protection.
She is our cheerleader and the one that understands. In the eyes of a child,
mom has all the answers and she is the smartest lady in the world. No one can
take the place of mom….. But what about dad? Dad is our strong and mighty
tower. Noon is stronger than him and his love holds us together. Mom is important,
but there is nothing like the love of a father. Isn’t it funny how we compare “being
there” to the presence of a father? If you talk to most people about why they
feel a certain away, they will start talking about the absence or presence of
their father. We even compare the love of God to our dads. This can be a good
or a bad things depending on the type of man that the dad in our lives is or
was. The key word is the last sentence was
Today I got the opportunity to talk to myself. No, not
literally, but me in the form a young girl that I met. I have never encountered
someone that was going through so many of the same things that I had. Like me,
she understands the gift of writing and depression. You may wonder what this
has to do with dad, but life’s experiences influence our choices and the way
that we think. We tend to feel like we are not good enough or worthy when a
parent is absent in our lives. We blame ourselves and we wonder why. Some of us
pray but still can’t see God. We feel ignored and began to tell ourselves that
our real dad didn’t love us, so why should God? God is a dad. He is our dad. He
is full of love and he understands us, but we fail to see it when we never had
an example of love.
If your dad was not in your life growing up, I want you to know
that God is not like man. He will never leave nor forsake you. He is with you
forever and ever until the end of time. I pray that he reveals himself to you. I
am a witness that he will prove his presence and love to you. Keep praying. He
hears your concerns, your complaints, and yes, even you’re grunting. You are
asking him where he is…… He is right beside you…. I pray that you open your
eyes and see him….
"No power in the sky above or in the earth below--indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:39).
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