Many times I have been
to churches and I have experienced no love. Now, you may wonder what I mean by
this. I’m not saying that God should not be the focus and I’m definitely not
saying that we should go to church for people or to play the sympathy card. I’m
merely asking where is the love of Christ in church? I did not experience the
love of God through “church people” until I got to my current church (I got so
tired of people hugging me, lol). A lot of times we see people sitting right
next to us and we don’t even bother to ask them how their day is going. God can
do all things, but He uses us also. You smiling or asking someone how they are
doing can brighten their whole year up. The world can be so cold and
unforgiving. No one should have to come to the Lord's house and experience the
same treatment. If you were in a tough place in your life and a stranger told
you that God loves you and asks you if you needed prayer, would you look at
them crazy? Keep in mind that you’re in a tough place in your life when answering
that question. This same example is how God desires to use you. We do not go to
church to look pretty and fill seats; we have a job to do and God is feeding us
His word so that we will be equipped to do it. Show the love of Christ to someone
today. I know that this assignment may be hard, but ask God to teach you how to see with His eyes,
feel with His heart and hear with His ears.
Stop questing God about what is taking him so long to bless you and stop comparing you’re “come up” to how the people of the world are operating. God reigns on the just as well as the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Your” hard time” is meant to glorify your father in heaven! Let them look down on you, let them talk about you because guess what, God has some C4 (dunamis power, dynamite) ready that he is about to release on your behalf. You will walk in your destiny, but it will be in God’s timing. God is going to use you in the position that he will himself create for you, but first he has to train you to perform well on the Job. You have to be led by the ultimate Shepard so that he can teach you to have the gentleness, kindness, love and patience that you will need to have for the place that he is sending you. The money and the things will come, but right now you need to know how to sit at your father’s feet and worship. You are not mature enough for all the blessings that God has lined...
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