God is calling leaders after his own heart. It is timeout for playing church and time in for living a life holy and devoted to Him. Stop thinking that you are protecting the church by hiding your dirt under the carpet. God’s bride is stained because of filthy living. You are abusing God’s bride and publicly embarrassing her. Your TV shows and your unanointed messages are not giving him glory. Stop staining God’s name with your mess! We are not to be ashamed on our wedding day when we walk down the aisle to Christ, but how can we not be when there are naysayers in the wedding party spilling all of our secrets. The bride should not have secrets church! We are called to be pure and holy. GOD IS COMING BACK FOR A CHURCH WITHOUT SPOT OR BLEMISH! Children should not be mesmerized by your gifts (talents) or your money but by your anointing. The world is mesmerized by the business of church. We talk about God but we are not showing him. True disciples will be recognized by the fruit tha...