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Showing posts from February, 2013

Devoted Life

God is calling leaders after his own heart. It is timeout for playing church and time in for living a life holy and devoted to Him. Stop thinking that you are protecting the church by hiding your dirt under the carpet. God’s bride is stained because of filthy living. You are abusing God’s bride and publicly embarrassing her. Your TV shows and your unanointed messages are not giving him glory. Stop staining God’s name with your mess! We are not to be ashamed on our wedding day when we walk down the aisle to Christ, but how can we not be when there are naysayers in the wedding party spilling all of our secrets. The bride should not have secrets church! We are called to be pure and holy. GOD IS COMING BACK FOR A CHURCH WITHOUT SPOT OR BLEMISH! Children should not be mesmerized by your gifts (talents) or your money but by your anointing. The world is mesmerized by the business of church. We talk about God but we are not showing him. True disciples will be recognized by the fruit tha...

Do we fear God?

King David had such an awareness of God. Many times we pray because we are supposed to. We ask God to get us out of trouble and we even thank Him from time to time, but where is our fear? David was aware of his sin. He was a man after God’s own heart, but he sinned. Where is your heart? David knew how to humble himself and repent. David would cover himself with sackcloth while he cried and fasted. How do you repent and are you really sorry? Yes, God is full of mercy and love but are you aware that He does not have to listen to you? Where is your fear? Society is no longer afraid of God. People get mad when they are told that God is not pleased with something. We know what pleases God but we are more concerned with pleasing ourselves. We allow things on television that God hates. We plant seeds in our children that produce sin. We accept homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13) and premarital sex (1 Thessalonians 4:3; Hebrews13:4). God is not pleased. We are racist and we hate ...

Forgive Yourself!!!!

I know that there are some things that should stay private, but my desire is for you to see Christ in my life. I am a work in progress and  I want for you to be in the car with me as I travel along life’s highways. My desire is for my life to be used for Gods glory. There are a lot of things about myself that I pray God will never ask me to revel, but if my past will heal hearts, then so be it. I found myself ashamed about my last blog. It was very personal and I wanted to take it down. I spend a lot of time afraid of judgment, but I pray that people saw how God has moved in my life and on my behalf even in times when I did not deserve it. I have so many stories about things that could have happened to me, but God stopped it. I’m here to share Jesus and I pray that you guys get the courage that you need in order to do the same <3 My challenge for this week: I pray that you guys will join me in this! Write a letter to my past Write a letter to my future Be hon...

My Personal Truth

I  remember sitting on the bus in middle school and this guy who was older than me told someone that when I started having sex I wouldn’t be able to stop. I was always very quiet, but I thought to myself, how could someone who didn’t know me say such a thing? He was in a sense, speaking over me. I was kinda rebellious as a teen. I lost my virginity at the age of 14 and I had already been on most of the depression medications that were out at that time. I was in love with love and that led to a lot of heart ache. I even left home for a little while when I was 17 because my mother found a pregnancy test in my bathroom. It did not look like I would graduate from college. It did not look like I was a smart young lady. It did not look like I would amount to anything, but God saw different in me. I got saved for the first time when I was16. I did not understand God or how he operated. Even when I was saved? I just knew that I was on my way to hell. During that time, I battled depr...

You are still my child!

You are still daddy’s little girl or guy child of God. I’m here to tell you that God loves you and that you are not a mistake. Do not define your heavenly father by man’s standards; when you do, you limit Him. Forget about what that man who you call dad or that woman that you call mom did to you. God has called you to be a sign to the nations as an example of the love that He has. Don’t be surprised, yes I said that He has called you! In all of your mess and in all your bitterness, you are still called. God will give you the words to speak and the strength that you will need for your journey. Do not worry about what “they” say about you, listen to what God says. God says that you are the head and not the tail. God says that you will be above and not beneath. God says that He has plans to prosper and not to harm you, to bring you to an expected end. God says that with Him all things are possible. God says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God says that you are his work...

Beautiful girl

Beautiful girl Wisdom is the key Don’t let the world tell you who you are or who you should be Beautiful girl You’re not defined by the past Shame is not what God called you to manifest Beautiful girl You’re an original A unique work of art You weren’t brought in this world to hurt but to heal hearts Beautiful girl Ask God what he sees He loves you beyond all human understanding   original poem by Janina B.