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Showing posts from June, 2015

Because of Who You Are: You Cannot Date Whoever You Want

Some men come as a distraction and not as a covering. Mary could not date whoever she wanted to because of who she was, who she was attached to, and because of the promise that God had given her. Mary carried something so precious on the inside of her and she had to wait for a man that could handle her anointing . Mary had to wait for a king's kid.   A son of a king understands order, discipline , and the covering. Joseph both covered and protected Mary when the enemy wanted to destroy her promise. Ladies, the enemy wants to destroy that thing that God has placed on the inside of you and he will use what and whoever he has to just to make sure that you don't give birth to destiny.     When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.   "Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.    Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him. ...

Why I Won't Date: Second Wind and Fresh Fire pt2

Some people think that waiting on God for your husband or wife is " to saved". They say that you don't know a person until you live with them or that you have to test them out sexually before you commit, but those things are not true when you really decide to wait on God. God knows your heart and knows what will keep your attention. The most important thing to keep in mind is that marriage is ministry. God is not going to send you someone that does not know how to listen to Him or take care of his or her home/ family. I see so many wome n who complain about being a good woman but their man is dogging them out. He prefers the drama over a home that is a sanc t uary . Don't be offended by that particular man's vice because now you have a way of e scape if you choose to take it.      "The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it" (Proverbs 10:22 ) .     My heart was broken all over again when someone from my pa...

Breaking Out of The Mundane

  I r emember when I first got filled with the Holy Sp i rit . I felt as if I had no control over my self . I woke up one morning singing a song that I ha d never heard in the language of God and that thang had a lot of high notes, but it was beautiful. I found myself praying more and I was n' t so rese r ved with what God wanted to do with me. I recall praying for my mother and I was the one to fall out, but her medical report came back perfect. I also rem em ber spending the night with my aunt and getting no sleep at all because I was sent there to work. I danced around her hospital bed and I prayed for her, her leg was healed that night. I also recall just walk ing around the hospital praying down the halls. Now I wonder what happen to me . W hy am I so dis c ontent when I know the power of God and what he wants do through me? I've become reserved.     The question I ask my self now is how do I break out of the mundaneness that I feel in my life....