I am in a place that I don’t quite understand, but it’s a place that I need to be in. I am in a place in which I feel as if I have to go backwards in order to move forward. Most people say, “I never go backward, I only look ahead”, but in some cases, it is necessary in order for you to survive in the land that God wants to place you in. That land is a place of healthy relationships and emotional stability. Most of us have a tendency to operate in dysfunction and not even know it. It’s not healthy to want to avoid men and not understand why. It’s not healthy to always be in conflict with other people. It’s not healthy to hate correction. It’s not healthy to hate your family members and to walk in offense. It’s not healthy to avoid intimate relationships with the people that God sends to be builders in the repairing of you. Let me ask you something; who tainted you? Who touched you the wrong way? Who broke your heart, insulted you, and left you in a spiritually dead place? Who st...