I pray against the dream crushers in your life. Don’t allow your dreams to die because you lack resources. I pray that God provides you with everything that you need according to His will. I pray for an increase in your faith. Don’t give up on your ideas, or business plans. Keep drawing or singing. Whatever God has placed on the inside of you to accomplish, protect it. Don’t abort your destiny because people don’t like it. Cover that thing that God has placed on the inside of you and give it back to Him. If God gave you the idea or the desire, He will make it come to pass. People came against Joseph’s dream. He was an unlikely candidate to be over his brothers because he was younger. David was also youngest of his siblings. Don’t allow age to hinder your destiny. God can use whoever He wants to. Who is anyone to tell you that you are too young or to old. Look at the lives of Sarah and Elizabeth. Society and Anatomy said that they were too old to bear children, but yet they conceive...