Everyone wants to create multiple steams of income, but what has God already given you? You are afraid to take a leap of faith by going forward with the business plan or writing the book, but yet you are still praying for more money and money making opportunities. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells His disciples about 3 men, their master, and the talents (money) that he gave them to be a steward over while he went on a journey. One servant got 5 talents, the second servant got 4 talents, and the third servant got 1 talent. While the master was gone, two of the servants were wise with what they were given and doubled their master’s money. The third servant operated in fear and buried his talent. As it was, the master came back unexpectedly and asked the servants about the talents that they were given. Two of the servants, who were good stewards over the talents that they had, were given even more talents, but the third steward was called lazy because he hid the talent that he had been giv...