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Showing posts from September, 2019

Does your Heart have a Attitude ?

This morning, I thought about people who have left the ministry. I understand that everyone has a different reason for making this choice and my intention is to examine 2 of those reasons. Some people leave ministry because of offense and other people leave because the “burden is too heavy”. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”    (Matthew 29:11). The first issue that should be addressed is the heart. Your heart should always be Godward. People and their expectations are heavy. I can imagine, that ministry can be heavy, but Jesus says, “ take my yoke upon you ”. The ministry belongs to Jesus, not you. Where is your heart? I know that you’re tired. I know that people can be a mess, but always lean on Christ and you will find rest in depending on Him.  Church has become a place of tradition. Many of us attend because we “have” to, not so much because we want to. We have jobs to do a...