King Saul had it made. I mean, he really had it made! He was king, he was fighting philistines, and he had the prophet Samuel advising him the whole step of the way; but one thing stopped King Saul. His flesh! Flesh will cause you to miss out on the things of God if you don’t kill it continuously. We never read about King Saul fasting or praying. He was a mighty man who had an army but he didn’t have Jesus for himself. The righteousness of others will only get you so far. Samuel could not save king Saul from God. Saul had to learn how to seek God for himself, but even in moments of desperation he could not. “Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6 KJV). What are you going to do when it is time to seek God for yourself? What will your response be when grandma, mama, and Pastor Joe don’t answer the phone? You have to have your own relationship with God and you have to know how to be obedient. King Saul was disobedient and ...