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Showing posts from November, 2015

A Grace that Covers

Some people live amazing lives in the world’s eyes. They are philanthropist, humanitarians, authors, musicians, painters etc. It’s easy to get up and talk about the lives of people that we think are amazing because WE think that they are amazing, but what about the condition of their hearts. The truth is that we can be whoever we want to be to the world. We can put on a face and fake it ‘til we make it, but God sees the true us. He sees the us that we neatly tuck away to the rest of world. He sees the tears, hurts, fears, medication, sleepless nights, and so much more. The major fault in this is that people don’t give every area of their lives over to God so that we can actually be those great people that we present to the world. God specializes in messes. I should know because I am one. So many times I want to hide and pretend, but God sees right through me. He sees me when I can’t sleep and when I want to do right, but end up failing. There are some days that I fail

Dusty Crowns: Not Forgetting who You Are and Whose You Are

  The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving (Psalm 28:7). I remember a time in my life when I was not so happy. I remember even asking my mother to put me in some type of facility because I thought that I would find peace there. What was I thinking and why would a thought like that cross my mind? I had no idea who I was or whom I would become in Christ. I just knew that I wanted peace. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus ( Philippians 4:7 ESV ). No one had ever talked to me about changing my mindset, all I understood was that I needed counseling and depression medication. I didn’t understand the power of prayer or the extent of deliverance that I would need to overcome the things that I was battling with. The devil is so precise with his plans against us. He watches us. He watches our fami