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Showing posts from March, 2015

It’s not about your Competition

Noone can get in the way of what God has ordained for your life. It does not matter what the world says. It does not matter what your situation may look like, the word of the Lord shall prevail for you. Everyone wants to be Rachel, but in longing for the life of someone else we miss our own blessings. Yes, Rachel was beautiful. Yes, she was chosen to be first by man, but Leah was chosen to be first by God. Leah failed to notice her own fruit because she was too busy looking at someone else’s tree. Don’t miss God in your life by watching how he is moving in someone else’s. Life is not about competition, but it is about the glory of God. In a way, Leah may have been in competition with her sister through her process of child bearing. Rachel was barren during the beginning of her marriage and Leah used this opportunity to gain her husband’s affection. Don’t we do that in life? We look at our completion and we both find and try to use to our advantage what we are better than them a...