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Showing posts from January, 2013

But Your Empty!!!!!!

      You give me your tithes and offering but your heart is far from me. You go to church to show your face but your heart is far from me. You do all these things but where is your heart? God desires pure worship and NOT watered down praise    (Isaiah 1:18-20)   Last night as I was reading the book of Isaiah, the above words are what I received when I got to verses 18-20.   My prayer for you and me today is that we don’t get stuck.   DISCLAMIER: READ ALL OF WHAT IM ABOUT TO WRITE BEFORE YOU JUDGE!!!!!! Don’t get stuck in the motions of church. We all go to church for different reasons. Sometimes   we really do want to be in the presence of God, but we also go just to pay our tithes, to show our face because we have been going and we don’t want people to think that were not saved, or because we are made to go. Ladies and gentlemen there are many more reasons as to why people go to church and it’s sad th...

Disciple, Jesus loves you!

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he made three appearances to His disciples. One of them was at the Sea of Galilee. Simon Peter wanted to go fishing and the other disciples said that they would join him. That night they caught nothing, but upon day break they saw a man standing on the sea shore, but had no idea that it was the Lord. (Is there a situation in your life where God is in the midst but you don’t see him?) Jesus spoke to them concerning how they should catch the fish and that day, they caught such a great number that the net could not be lifted. (Is God giving you instructions on how to succeed and are you listening?) The disciple whom Jesus loved posed an important question about the man at the sea shore. He asked if it was the lord. (Ask yourself this question, in the midst of being unsuccessful and then becoming successful, is it the Lord?) Upon hearing this, Simon Peter jumped into the water and swam to Jesus, the other disciples stayed in the boat and...


Mental exercise, not physical folks! I need for you to do me a favor. I know that you don’t know me like that, but this will help you. Ok, first print out this page. If you can’t print it, look at it on your phone, if you can’t look at it on your phone, try to remember what I’m going to ask you to do. Next, go to the nearest mirror. When you get to the mirror, look at yourself and say THERE IS GREATNESS ON THE INSIDE OF ME! Tell yourself that you are awesome, great, amazing and believe the words that you saying. This my friend, is called speaking over yourself. You are a sleeping giant. You’re sleeping because you’re walking around in distress instead of standing up to your emotions and showing yourself who is boss. Be God led and not led by your emotions. Sometimes you have to tell yourself to shut up. Don’t give in to self-defeat. God says that in the end you win! Psalm 30:5 says that” Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (KJV).  Rise and s...

What is normal anyway?

The dude you see in the picture with me is my little brother and I want to share him with you. He is the joy of my life and a welcomed blessing. It has taken me a while to appreciate the connection that I have with him, but now I got it! We are about 7 years apart and he has down syndrome. I used to say he was down syndrome, but that name does not define him. He is so much more than a so called disability. I am now in a place of helping to care for individuals who have intellectual disabilities. It is not as hard as some may think. They have passions and dreams just like you and I. I challenge some of you to change the way you think about individuals with disabilities. They are just as special, just as intelligent and maybe even more anointed than you! There are times that I have felt like the world was against me, but I had my brother. He has seen tears that no one else has and he has given hugs that no one else could. It took me a long time to appreciate him and I thank G...


Don’t be ashamed of the rout that God is taking you on the way to your destiny. Many of us are in a place that we would prefer to not be in, but remember to have patience in training. What is God trying to teach you? What is God trying to instill in you? What is God trying to up root out of you? Stop looking at the past. You are a new creature in Christ. The desert does not always have to be a dry place; it can be a place of growth. Keep in mind that God does show up in the desert. You may feel alone, but you are alive and breathing right! If you are lacking anything, think about if God wants you to depend solely on him for your needs. Israel had to learn to depend solely on God. He sent them out of Egypt wealthy but there were no stores or market places in the wilderness (God provided them with manna). The wilderness is going to mold and shape you. Allow God to lead you so that you don’t get lost and have to back track. Israel was only 11 days from the promise land but they spent 40...